Sunday, June 23, 2019

John Ball Zoo Grand Rapids

The Hat made its way to the John Ball Park Zoo Saturday.  A lot has changed there over the years.  This is a small zoo but it is well worth the time to stop for a visit.  Tale the time, walk around, see the animals and enjoy a day out. 

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Today June 15, 2019 the Hat made a short trip from home base south to a wonderful small town here in Michigan.  I would say it is worth a trip on a Saturday.  Saugatuck has plenty to offer on your visit.  Many fine locally owned shops.  Art is a big part of Saugatuck.  You wont find a fast food restaurant downtown Saugatuck, but you will find several great places to eat.  From small cafes to the Butler, Coral Gables and several find dining and bars.  On the water front located just north of Coral Gables is the Mermaid resturant.  Also inside is a couple of local Breweries and  Spirit makers offering tastings.  Drive over to the other side of the Kalamazoo river and take the challenge at Mt. Baldhead and climb the 302 steps to the top.  Then stop at the museums and buy a shirt declaring you did it.  There are several B&B's in town along with two hotels.  So take a day or even a weekend and spend time in town. Take in the day shopping and the nightlife and relax. 

Saturday, June 8, 2019

We all love to travel, seeing new places and finding the special things towns, cities and villages have to offer for sightseeing.  What special events they have to offer.
Often in life today we take the freeways to get from point A to point B.  Take the back roads from time to time and see the wonnders and beauty you miss out on.  The Adventures of the Traveling Hat will find some of those places and share them with you.

Holland Michigan.
Home of the Traveling Hat.  

July 4th 2023

Home of the Hat