Saturday, August 10, 2019

Idlewild Michigan

Todays adventure took us north again.  We ventured to the village of Idlewild Mi.  Located in Lake County in Yates Township.  Idlewild is not an old village, Founded in 1912.  Not one of your turn of the century villages like most places you come across in Michigan.  Wondering up that way was some beautiful back roads.  The trees and fields that you drive past. Old farms with their corn fields spreading across the land lets you know that you are in God's country.  Once we arrived we could see that time had forgotten this place and left it as it was many years ago.  Coming across old cottages and homes left abandoned never to be lived in again.  It struck me driving through the winding roads to locate our first stop at the Idlewild Historical Cultural Center to see what information we could discover from there.  Sadly it was not open as it said it was going to be.  So venture off we did on our own using the map that we printed before heading out.  Our next stop was to the Flamingo Club.  The vast history of famous people that would come there to preform.  History shows that some of the famous people included Sammy Davis Jr., Della Reese, Aretha Franklin, B.B. King, The Four Tops and speaking to some locals it is rumored that Richard Pryor once came there and

preformed.  Standing outside the Flamingo Club I imaged back to a time where people came there, the old cars that would park in the dirt parking lot.  People mingling outside the building talking before going in and seeing the star attraction for the evening.  I wonder how they came there, was it by car or maybe by train?  Back in 1920-1960s the freeways that we have now were nothing like what we have today.  So take a day and venture up to Idlewild and see where history was made in its days of glory...1912 to 1968 before the village of Idlewild became a place lost in time. A thank you goes out to Ace for sharing some memories of coming to Idlewild as a kid and all the fishing you did with your family.

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