Sunday, June 7, 2020

Newaygo Mi.

With things setting down and being able to get back out in the world I am starting to travel a little bit more,  Staying close to home here are a few photos from this weekends adventures.  I hope to be back up and running soon. I miss the travel and seeing the beauty of the state I live in.
Newaygo Mi has some beautiful places to explore.  With the Muskego river flowing through the north side of town and the park along to river you can find interesting views and artwork.  With all that is going on in the world it is nice that there are places like this to escape it all and just relax and enjoy the thing you have and the people you share it with.  Take the time to go to a park and listen to the water run down the river and look for that one interesting thing that you may never have seen before.  Find that little thing that catches you eye.

1 comment:

  1. So much history in the area. Thank you for sharing your magnificent photos. ��


July 4th 2023

Home of the Hat