Friday, January 29, 2021


 Today i hit 450 views of my blog site.  Thank you to everyone that has viewed. I will be getting back to posting photos and information of the team's travels soon.  Thank you again. 

Saturday, January 9, 2021

Photo Challenge


2021 a New Year. Its time to get back to traveling.

January 2021

Well its a new year and we are still in the middle of the Covid crisis.  Despite this the team and I have decided to venture out and explore.  Last night did a little close to home travel.  Here are some quick shots 

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Happy New Year

 Its Jan 2 2021. Plans are now being made for the season of travel.  Things may be looking up for controlling that Covid issue we are all still hearing and talking about.  The crew and I are working on places we plan to visit this year and make up for lost time.  

So stop back soon and check us out.  

July 4th 2023

Home of the Hat